International Community School, Addis Ababa

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International Community School, Addis Ababa

School Profile:
Curriculum: US, International, IB
Total Enrolment: 380, 3-18 yrs

PO Box 70282, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: (+251) 11 371 1544
Fax: (+251) 11 371 0722

The International Community School of Addis Ababa (ICS) is an independent, co-educational school which offers an educational program from pre-kindergarten through grade 12 for students of all nationalities. The school was founded in 1966. The school year comprises two semesters extending approximately from late August to early June.

The school is governed by a nine member Board of Governors, eight of whom are elected for two-year terms by the International Community School Association, the sponsor of the school. One member is appointed by the US Embassy, Membership in the Association is automatically conferred on the parents or guardians of children enrolled in the school and professional members of the staff.

The school is located on a 15- acre tract. There are classrooms with adjoining play areas, a separate library building including an elementary library, an administrative office area, new performing arts building, a basketball court, tennis courts, and soccer and baseball fields. The library has over 12,500 volumes. A large multi-purpose building houses, a gymnasium, five separate teaching stations, and an art room. A separate building houses the kindergarten and pre-kindergarten sections.




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